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Mount Eliza Soccer Club

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Development For Players 

Mount Eliza Soccer Club started as a community soccer club and still stands by its values today of providing a fun and safe community environment for players to enjoy the world game.  The club caters for teams made up of players who enjoy the social aspect of the game as well as for players who want to challenge themselves and develop as much as possible.  There is a team for all skill levels. 

Over the years the club has seen players develop the basic skills so they can enjoy the game socially and many who have gone on to play NPL and State League football/soccer. Our coaches are encouraged to follow the Football Federation national curriculum developing players through grassroots and skills development programs.

Mount Eliza Soccer Club prides its self as fun safe environment for players of all ages and skill levels. A place to make friends (Parents and Players) while developing or enhancing soccer skills.

Coaches at Mount Eliza Soccer Club
The vast majority of team coaches are volunteers from the parent group.  The club provides full support and training packages for coaches including Football Victoria's  'Coach the Coach' (CCC) training nights. In season 2024, 75% of coaches at the club completed the Skill Acquisition Phase course. The club has a strong coach support network overseen by our Coaching coordinator.

Levels of Soccer at Mount Eliza Soccer Club 

Under 6's - Little Lizards - Skill Sessions only.  A fun safe environment to begin your Soccer Journey
Under 7's - Bayside league games with no grading of teams
Under 8's - Football Victoria Joeys and Wallabies 
Under 9's-11’s - Football Victoria Joeys, Wallabies & Kangeroos
Under 12's-18's - Football Victoria grades A,B,C,D,E

Level Description

Mount Eliza Soccer Club does not grade players from Under 6 to Under 8.

The club offers additional training for those wanting more time to develop their technical skills see Academy link below.

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

MESC Selection Policy

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Goalkeeper Training

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Makenzi makes her debut!

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Austen gets to Melbourne City 

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

A Pathway Story... 

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Marley Gets a call up

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Academy Girls & Boys

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula.

Contact MPIO's 

Gary Talbot

Charity Partner

Glen Saunderson

50 Mount Eliza Way 3930

Phone 03 9776 3270

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100 Mt. Eliza Way