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Mount Eliza Soccer Club

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Member Protection Information Officers (MPIOs)

From the Play safe site - What is an MPIO?

Member Protection Information Officers (MPIOs) are an integral part of all levels of Australia sport, especially grassroots sport. MPIOs are there to listen to issues raised by members of any sport before triaging and referring them to the right place to find a resolution. The MPIO is responsible for providing information about a person's rights, responsibilities and options to an individual making a complaint or raising a concern, as well as information support during the process.


MPIOs don’t handle complaints or investigate grievances, and they don’t mediate between members or stakeholders. They’re also separate from the relevant Integrity Manager or the person(s) in authority regarding complaints, disputes and resolutions in your sport. MPIOs are an impartial party who are there to help guide people in the right direction. 

Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula #FunFriendsSoccer


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Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula #FunFriendsSoccer


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Mount Eliza Soccer Club based on the Mornington Peninsula #FunFriendsSoccer

Joel Treyvaud

Child Safety Officer

Gary Talbot

Charity Partner

Glen Saunderson

50 Mount Eliza Way 3930

Phone 03 9776 3270

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100 Mt. Eliza Way